Understand types of abortions, side effects, and access near you


Friendly Abortion Clinic Near You | Dr. Joe Abortion Clinic in Nairobi | Kenya

Our goal will always be to offer the best abortion Clinic Treatment Services at the most affordable price to all women and their families Correspondingly.

Experienced Certified Doctors

Basically Our team of committed receptionists, nurses, and doctors has been providing care for women in Southern Africa and the region for years.

Considering abortion? Here are some questions and answers to help you decide:

  • What are the costs?
  • Do I need an ultrasound?
  • Do I know all my options?
  • How far along I am?

Abortion Clinic Service Options. Are you having an unwanted pregnancy? For more than 10 years, the Doctor Joel Women’s Clinic has offered safe, authorized abortions despite the challenges.

Two methods exist to end a pregnancy: in-clinic abortion (Surgical Procedure) and pill abortion (Medical Procedure) accordingly. Our goal is to offer you the services you require at this critical moment. Regardless of your insurance situation, it is crucial to begin care as soon as you suspect pregnancy. First, second, and late-term abortions are performed by Dr. Joel Women’s Clinic. offering the day-after pill and the morning-after pill, besides the abortion pill as well.


Learn what to expect when taking the abortion pill regimen at home and signs to seek immediate medical care.


Learn the various types of procedures and their potential impacts and risks to your health.


Having second thoughts after taking the first dose of the abortion pill? There is a process that may reverse the effects.


Untreated STIs are at risk of spreading during abortion procedures. Get tested and get treated.

Abortion Pills Windhoek

Abortion Clinic Pill

Proudly we are dedicated to providing every woman who requires them with access to pregnancy testing and abortion Clinic services.

Because medical abortion is non-invasive and doesn’t require anaesthetic, problems are much less common with this procedure eventually.

Actually, the abortion pill contains two medications. The first Medication is used to stop pregnancies. Progesterone is blocked in order for it to function.

Without progesterone, the uterine lining degrades, furthermore making pregnancy impossible.

The second medication, causes the womb to constrict, resulting in cramping, bleeding afterwards, and a loss of pregnancy akin to a miscarriage.

Surgical Abortion

Surgical Abortion

A procedure that terminates a pregnancy is a surgical abortion. Despite the fact that the word “surgery” is frequently used, the majority of abortions are minimally invasive and don’t call for general anaesthesia.

For those who choose to have their abortion performed in an abortion clinic or hospital setting, surgical abortions are a good alternative.

Knowing the length of your pregnancy is crucial before the abortion surgery. An ultrasound and pelvic exam will be used at our clinic to determine the length of your pregnancy.

Most women recover quickly after an abortion. How much pain and bleeding you experience afterwards can vary – Navigate our website for helpful information.

Abortion Clinic

After Care Services

After an abortion, it’s crucial to take care of oneself. Staff members are accessible around-the-clock to address any questions or concerns.

Please discuss your complete medical history with us, including any known allergies or health issues, as well as any medications, to reduce your chance of complications and unpleasant reactions.

Nausea, vomiting, and fatigue associated with pregnancy often go away after three days.

It can take seven to ten days for breast discomfort to go away. After your surgery, your breasts may still feel stiff and painful and may even leak fluid.

After three to four days of swelling, your breasts will return to normal. Contact Our Abortion Clinic and Schedule Now

Getting abortion pills online through telehealth

Safe Abortion Clinic

Telehealth refers to health care that you may get while physically apart from your health care provider.

It may seem strange, but just as you may obtain many other types of health care via telehealth, you can also get abortion treatment through telemedicine. Abortion treatment delivered through telehealth is safe and effective.

The further along in pregnancy you are when you get an abortion, the more complicated and expensive it can be, and the harder it can be to find an abortion provider. How far along you are can also affect what type(s) of abortion are available to you, since the abortion pill (medication abortion) is only available through 13 weeks of pregnancy (and with many providers, it isn’t even available through 13 weeks of pregnancy). Also, some states don’t allow abortion past a certain point in pregnancy.

It’s important to take the time you need to decide whether you want to get an abortion. Just keep in mind that the sooner you seek abortion services, the less expensive and easier it will be, and the more options you might have.

There are two main ways abortion can be done: the abortion pill (also called medication abortion) and an abortion procedure (also called in-clinic abortion).

Everyone is different, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to what type of abortion is better. Both types of abortion have a very low risk of serious complications. Which one is right for you will depend on a lot of factors, including what’s available closest to your location and how far along in pregnancy you are, since the abortion pill is generally only available earlier in pregnancy (and each provider has its own rules about how far into pregnancy they offer it—some may offer it through 13 weeks of pregnancy and some may stop offering it much earlier in pregnancy).


Some states have laws that allow you to make your counselling appointment via telehealth and then do your ultrasound and abortion at the same appointment if you have to travel a long distance to get an abortion. These laws prevent you from travelling a long distance twice or staying far from home during the waiting period. If you’re going to have to travel a long way for your abortion, ask if virtual counselling is an option when you call to make your appointment.

Other states may allow you to get abortion pills online through telehealth, which means you don’t have to meet with a provider in person to have an abortion.

Medication abortion involves taking medicine to end a pregnancy. It is usually completed at home rather than in a healthcare setting. A self-managed abortion is when someone gets abortion pills outside of the formal health care system and ends a pregnancy, often without the help of a doctor or licensed health care provider. The main difference between self-managed and provider-managed medication abortions is how the pregnant person gets the medication.

If you’re pregnant and still deciding what you want to do, you have options. Abortion is one, and adoption and parenting are others. We have more information about abortion, adoption, and parenting to help you make the decision that is right for you. You can also check out All-Options for more information and to talk with impartial, non-judgmental counsellors.

Depending on availability and other factors, you may take two different medications (mifepristone and misoprostol) or only one type of medication (just misoprostol) for a medication abortion.

If you’re having a medication abortion using two different medications (mifepristone and misoprostol), and your abortion appointment is in person, the provider will give you the first medication (mifepristone) at the health center and the second medication (misoprostol) to use up to 48 hours later at home (or somewhere else safe and comfortable). 

If you’re having an abortion procedure, the abortion provider you’re going to should give you specific instructions about what to bring and what to do to prepare for your appointment, but in most cases:

  • Bring a list of all of the medications that you take regularly, including vitamins and supplements, to your counseling appointment and your abortion procedure appointment.

  • Bring a list of any medical conditions you have.

  • Discuss which of your medications you should continue to take leading up to your abortion and which (if any) you shouldn’t take.

  • Don’t take any additional over-the-counter medications, like over-the-counter pain medication, before your appointment, unless your health care provider tells you to.

  • Wear comfortable clothes to your appointment.

How long an abortion takes depends on what type of abortion it is.

If you’re having a medication abortion with two different medications (mifepristone and misoprostol),you’ll get the first medication at your provider’s office and the second one to use at home (or someplace else safe and comfortable) one or two days later. The first medication stops the pregnancy from continuing to develop, and the second medication starts the actual abortion process. Once you take the second medication, the abortion can take up to several hours to be completed.

After an abortion procedure, you’ll spend a little time in a recovery room before heading home. If you’ve been given sedatives, you’ll need someone to help you get home, like a partner, friend, or family member, even if you’re taking public transportation or taking a cab or rideshare service.

If you have an abortion procedure, you may have some cramping and bleeding in the days after your abortion, but it should taper off over the next week or so. Some people have almost no bleeding, and others have spotting that lasts a few weeks. It varies from person to person, but generally the earlier in pregnancy you have the abortion, the less cramping and bleeding you can expect afterwards. You can go back to regular activities the very next day, and you can have sex again as soon as you feel ready.

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