Dr. Joel Women's Clinic +27739336524

Abortion Options We Offer At Our Clinic

Abortion Options Available For Terminating Pregnancy

Even if most women do not have the choice of receiving free basic healthcare, access to knowledge on abortion and public understanding of women’s rights are still crucial. Before choosing which treatment they may be interested in, women who are confronted with unintended pregnancies should be aware of the many abortion choices that are accessible to them.

in order to be able to make an educated choice before ending the pregnancy.

The majority of public hospitals in South Africa provide free abortions, which are permitted by law. However, as a result of violence against women, more women are seeking abortions than there are physicians ready to provide them, and more women are being turned away.

Medical Procedure

The medical abortion is the fastest and preferred method of getting an abortion. A pregnancy that is less than 13 weeks old may be ended by a woman using an abortion pill. At this point, medication abortion is quite effective. You only need two kinds of abortion pills—Mifepristone and Misoprostol—to successfully induce a miscarriage, which you may accomplish in your own privacy at home while being watched over by a doctor

Medication abortion requires a woman to use 2 types of abortion tablets

Tablet 1 – Mifepristone is an anti-hormone, which acts by blocking progesterone the hormone needed for a pregnancy to continue.
Tablet 2 – Misoprostol is taken 12 – 24 hours later and it is meant to open the cervix and assists the uterus to expel the pregnancy after causing uterine contractions.

The most popular method of abortion is medical abortion, which has been accessible in South Africa for many years. It is discreet, cost-effective, and feels more natural to most women than other methods of abortion. You may even perform a medical abortion at home under a doctor’s supervision.

Surgical Procedure

Anyone in the nation who is 12 weeks pregnant may have an abortion, which may be carried out by a midwife, a trained nurse, or a physician. Doctors are permitted to perform pregnancy terminations up to 20 weeks, but beyond that point, only certain circumstances are permitted, such as when the pregnancy endangers the woman’s life.

The surgical abortion procedure, also known as an in-clinic abortion, is the second abortion choice available for pregnancies longer than 13 weeks. This procedure uses a gentle suction technique called vacuum aspiration to remove the uterine contents, and the majority of surgeries are completed with the aid of oral painkillers and local anesthesia.

In-clinic abortion procedure up to the second trimester ( 20 weeks)

The treatment itself takes around 10 minutes, but the whole process—from the time you arrive at the clinic to the time you prepare for the surgery and recover from the anesthetic—can take 4 to 5 hours. You will need to be transported home after the anesthetic has gone off and you have received your aftercare instructions.

How Do They Differ?

Medical termination is a non-surgical method that uses medication. The procedure begins with the ingestion of two mifepristone-containing pills, which induce contractions and empty the uterus. It is crucial to understand that this kind of abortion does not need either anesthetic or surgical assistance. If a woman wants a surgical abortion, she should speak with her doctor to learn more about how to have one. If the woman has been pregnant for five weeks or fewer and can certify that her pregnancy has not progressed beyond six weeks, she should utilize an early pregnancy abort pill price or medicine to end the pregnancy (such as Mifegyne).


The last thing you should know about medical termination is that, depending on the stage of your pregnancy at when you have the procedure, various forms of abortions have varied costs: A pharmaceutical abortion pill technique will always be less costly since there is no surgery or anesthesia required; but, after twelve weeks, it becomes much more expensive because extra anesthesia and surgery may be required.

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